The Basic Supplies You'll Need To Screen Print Your Own Shirts

When it comes to producing signage and flyers for your business, you might be tempted to save a little money by using an in-house printer. Click here instead.

The Basic Supplies You'll Need To Screen Print Your Own Shirts

The Basic Supplies You'll Need To Screen Print Your Own Shirts

16 February 2017
, Blog

If you like to create different unique images, and you want to make your own clothing instead of relying on the generic clothing you can purchase at the store, a great way to start creating your own unique fashion statement is through screen printing. In order to start screen printing though, you need more than a few great design:, you also need the right equipment. Here is a quick rundown of the different equipment that you are going to need.

#1 Screen & Frame

The first thing that you need to purchase is a screen and a frame. Purchasing a screen and frame can be really affordable. You can purchase a kit with a  screen and frame, or you can purchase a screen and put it on a frame by yourself. You can find the supplies to make a screen and frame at your local craft store.

You are going to transfer your image onto the screen, then you will transfer your image from the screen to the piece of clothing you want to put the image on.

#2 Photo Emulsion & Sensitizer

Second, you need to purchase some photo emulsion and sensitizer. You will mix the sensitizer and the emulsion together and put the mixture over your screen, where you want the image to go. You'll  need to allow the emulsion and sensitizer to dry. This will help transfer your image.

#3 250- Watt Bulb

You are going to need a strong bulb. The bulb will help transfer the transparency with your image on it onto the emulsion that is on the screen. This will then allow you to transfer the image onto your shirt. You need a strong bulb for this process, so don't try to use a lower watt bulb.

#4 Silk Screen Fabric Ink

You are going to need to purchase silk screen fabric ink. The ink is generally pretty inexpensive and you only need to purchase the colors that you want to work with.

#5 Gloves, Squeegee, Cardboard,

You are going to need some basic supplies as well. You'll want to work with latex gloves to keep the emulsion and ink off of your hands. You are going to need a nice squeegee for the  transferring process.

You will also need some cardboard to put inside of the shirt to make it more solid when transferring the image onto the shirt. You are also going to want something black, such as a black poster board or black trash bag, to put behind your screen. This will help with transferring the image to the screen.

#6 Transparency

Ideally, you are going to need to print the image you want to screen print onto a transparency, so you will need to purchase this special type of paper for the screen printing process.

Finally, you are going to need a shirt or piece of clothing to transfer the image to. For assistance, visit sites like

About Me
Keeping Printing On Point

When it comes to producing signage and flyers for your business, you might be tempted to try to save a little money by using an in-house printer. I made this mistake several years ago. I figured that I could print things in-house in a few minutes, saving time and money on materials. Unfortunately, I actually ended up spending loads of time configuring spreadsheets and troubleshooting my computer, only to end up with less-than-pristine sign work. I want you to avoid these types of problems, which is why this website focuses on the benefits of professional printing. You never know, it could save your business.
