3 Thoughtful Bridemaid Gifts That You Can Have Adorned With Custom Embroidery

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3 Thoughtful Bridemaid Gifts That You Can Have Adorned With Custom Embroidery

3 Thoughtful Bridemaid Gifts That You Can Have Adorned With Custom Embroidery

18 November 2016
, Blog

While you are likely to be familiar with the option of having hats and t-shirts adorned with custom embroidery to advertise a business or service, it is easy to forget that you can also choose to have your bridesmaid gifts emblazoned with information specific to your wedding in your wedding colors. Common examples include robes that your attendants can use to relax in after your big day, totes that can be decorated similarly and nightgowns or night shirts that will allow each woman to remember the details and joy of your wedding on a regular basis for years.  When you want to personalize the remembrances of your special day, it is a good idea to be aware of the following information for doing so in the most appropriate and appealing way.

#1-Consider The Gift Of A Robe

Regardless of how ornate, simple or well-planned your wedding is, there is no doubt that the days and weeks leading up to it can be stressful for everyone involved. That means that while you may be getting ready to enjoy your first night as a married woman or getting ready to leave on your honeymoon, your attendants could easily be getting ready to enjoy a quiet night at home, a long, hot bath or both..

Fortunately, you can prompt the recollections of your bridesmaids for the foreseeable future by gifting each person with an attractive and comfortable robe, decorated with the information about your wedding day.

#2-Opt For A Nightgown Or Nightshirt

While a robe is a good thought, the use of a nightgown or nightshirt provides similar benefits and is often seen as a more intimate gift. Therefore, assuming that your attendants are dear friends and family members with whom you are particularly close, sleepwear can be an ideal choice. With this choice, you can opt to have the pertinent information discreetly embroidered near the chest or bodice area so that it is outwardly visible.

Alternatively or in addition to that, you can also have a few words or special information embroidered on the inside label to further mark the occasion.

#3-Choose The Option Of A Tote Bag

Tote bags are a thoughtful and useful gift that can easily be personalized. While the information about names, the date and a reference being married are common choices, another option you may want to consider is the inclusion of the recipient's name on the tote and even the image of your wedding flowers.

The gift of a tote for each attendant with the custom embroidery of your choice is both useful and thoughtful. That is due to the fact that if you elect to present those bags to your bridesmaids prior to the wedding, it will allow them to store the belongings they use as they get dressed and help you to get ready to walk down the aisle. In addition, totes are useful for many situations, so they will able to remember your big day every day they use it in the future.

In conclusion, providing gifts to bridesmaids has been a common practice for many years and there are many different options for doing so. However, if you would like your gifts to be used for years after the wedding, choosing items made of cloth is likely to be helpful. Fortunately, doing so also allows for unique embroidery choices and the options provided above will help you to be sure that you have made the most appropriate choices. For more information, contact a business such as 2LC Graphics.

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Keeping Printing On Point

When it comes to producing signage and flyers for your business, you might be tempted to try to save a little money by using an in-house printer. I made this mistake several years ago. I figured that I could print things in-house in a few minutes, saving time and money on materials. Unfortunately, I actually ended up spending loads of time configuring spreadsheets and troubleshooting my computer, only to end up with less-than-pristine sign work. I want you to avoid these types of problems, which is why this website focuses on the benefits of professional printing. You never know, it could save your business.
