4 Tips for Printing Excel Data in a More Effective Manner

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4 Tips for Printing Excel Data in a More Effective Manner

4 Tips for Printing Excel Data in a More Effective Manner

5 July 2016
, Blog

If you rely on printing Excel date on a regular basis for business purposes, you need to make sure that you are a master at not just manipulating data within the program but also at printing the data out in a way that is easy to read and understand. Here are four tips that will help you more effectively print the Excel data that you need for your business from Excel 2007 and 2010.

#1 Set a Custom Print Area

The first thing you need to do is set a custom print area. A custom print area will allow you to dictate what exactly you want to be printed on the page that you are working on. Take your cursor and use it to highlight the area or range on your page that you want to print. Then, click on Print Area under the File menu, and within that menu, click Set print area.

Excel should input the information from the cells that you have highlighted. You can then preview the print area to make sure that you like how the page looks. If you have multiple tables on one page, this will allow you to focus on one page and print it out. It also allows you to ensure that a table is not cut off.

#2 Use Page Breaks to Highlight Your Data

The second way to control what is printed out is to add page breaks to your document as you work on it. You will have to select the row or the column and then go to the Insert menu to input a page break. You can add page breaks on Excel documents going both vertically and horizontally.

Once the page breaks are set, you can drag them around by holding on to the page-break lines. This will allow you to manipulate the pages and get all of your information set up just right for printing. Generally, the page-break line is represented with a dashed line, and there should be page numbers in your documents on gray. You can do a print preview to make sure that you like how the page setup looks.

#3 Fit Your Data to the Page

Your third option for controlling how your Excel content works is by setting the data to the page. This is helpful if you are trying to fit a lot of data onto a page. This option may not give you the most readable layout, but it will put everything together on a single sheet. In the page-layout section, use the fit-to-scale option to make all of your contents scale down and fit on one page.

#4 Share the Settings with Other Sheets

Finally, after you have set the page configuration, you don't have to do this again for every sheet within your document. Instead, if you go into the Page Setup tab, you should be able to click and choose to apply whatever settings you have set up to all of your sheets.

By learning how to effectively print your Excel date, you will be able to more easily convey the information and data that you need for your business.

For more information about printing batches of information, go to the sites of printing-services companies, such as http://www.niteowlprintshop.com.

About Me
Keeping Printing On Point

When it comes to producing signage and flyers for your business, you might be tempted to try to save a little money by using an in-house printer. I made this mistake several years ago. I figured that I could print things in-house in a few minutes, saving time and money on materials. Unfortunately, I actually ended up spending loads of time configuring spreadsheets and troubleshooting my computer, only to end up with less-than-pristine sign work. I want you to avoid these types of problems, which is why this website focuses on the benefits of professional printing. You never know, it could save your business.
